Course curriculum

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    Welcome to DUC 2020!

    • Introduction

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    Main Stage

    • KEYNOTE | Managing Assets Proactively and Holistically

    • KEYNOTE | Digital Transformation in Road Asset Management

    • KEYNOTE: Augmented Reality – A New Asset for Civil Engineering

    • Closing the Loop

    • 6 Things to Consider when Adding Other Asset Classes

    • Adaptability of dTIMS

    • dTIMS Community

    • Easily Configure Your dTIMS OM Forms

    • Project History, There is an App for That

    • dTIMS Hierarchical Database

    • The Future of dTIMS Reports

    • Asset Management Panel - North America/Europe

    • Asset Management Panel - Australia/New Zealand

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    Strategic Breakout Sessions

    • dTIMS Common Asset Registry

    • Visualize your dTIMS Data

    • Automated Database Loading in an Enterprise Environment

    • Cross Asset Optimization

    • Asset Valuation

    • Impacts of COVID19 on your Organization

    • Social Benefits in Asset Management

    • Enterprise Integration

    • Adapting to Data Standards

    • New Data Sources

    • Models and AI, the Future?

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    Tactical Breakout Sessions

    • Configuring the dTIMS BI Connector

    • Using the dTIMS Common Asset Registry

    • District Level Cross Asset Optimization

    • Exploring Benefit Models

    • Optimization Demystified

    • Implementation of Social Benefits in dTIMS

    • Structuring a Bridge Database

    • How to Deal with Multiple Bridge Treatments for a Variety of Bridge Types

    • Ground Truthing Model Outcomes

    • Customer Focused Asset Management Planning

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    dTIMS Doctor

    • NULL values (missing data) in dTIMS and Dynamic Segmentation

    • Differences between dTIMS 9.5 and dTIMS BA

    • Transition Probability Matrices (TPMs)

    • Using Multiple dTIMS Databases for Testing and Setup

    • Implementing Level of Service (LOS) in dTIMS